30 Day Anime Challenge XXIII: Favorite Attack Someone Used in Anime

Day 23 and rolling!

Fresh from talking about weapons and gear, next in line is coming up with a favorite attack in anime.
Hmm, I think the guy who came up with this was hit by a Kamehameha sized nostalgia.  For me, I’ve had several memorable attacks to choose from, most of them from female characters.

I’m not a big fan of Fairy Tail but I love a good number of their characters, including the female lead Lucy Heartfilia.  Granted, she doesn’t kick as much ass as the other girls in the show (I mostly blame the writers and the sexist portrayal in shounen manga for that).

But lack of satisfying action aside, Lucy is still one amazing mage.  As a Celestial Spirit mage (a summoner, if you will), she already owns a good number of key, with ten of them belonging to the legendary 12 Golden Keys based on the Zodiac.  She can also hold on her own without magic thanks to her whip.  But my favorite attack of hers is this uber amazing spell…

Urano Metria is a caster type spell considered as tthe Ultimate Magic of Stars.  It’s a pretty powerful and neat spell that sends the opponent flying in a flash of colorful lights and flying planets.

The attack was first used in the Oracion Seis arc battle against fellow Celestial Spirit user Angel.  The spell was originally given to her  by Hibiki Lates via his Archive Magic ability to defeat Angel.  However, because it was sort of “uploaded” to her memory as opposed to learned, Lucy couldn’t immediately perform Urano Metria after use (she was in a trance for the spell’s entire duration).

UranometriaFortunately later on in the series, Lucy managed to perform the spell again with the help of her Celestial Spirit Gemini (transformed as a double Lucy).  While it’s not as powerful as the one first showed, at least Lucy’s made progress.

I love this attack not just because of its tremendous power but because it proved that Lucy has the potential all her fans know she has, not just a buxom damsel in distress.
Lucy Heartfilia is a true member of Fairy Tail and deserving of her spot in the star sudded Team Natsu.
Now if only Mashima-san will give her more times to shine (i.e. fights she actually wins).

Urano Metria - Gemini

Up Next in Day 24: Moment that Shocked You Most in Any Anime!
…This thing keeps getting better and better doesn’t it?

Thanks for all the support, minna-san!  Matta ne!


About ChuChi Otaku

I'm an ordinary Japanese manga/anime enthusiast artist and freelance writer who is on a journey to achieve extraordinary greatness. The road is perilous but the rewards are great. Join me and let's all be otakus and lovers of all things together!
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